Vice President Murray Radcliffe today announced details of our 2023 Annual Dinner.

“The 2023 Annual Dinner will be held on Wednesday 6 December 2023 at 6.45 for 7.00pm at the Canberra Rex Hotel”, Murray said. “The Dinner is the highlight of our social calendar and not to be missed. Tim Gavel OAM has graciously agreed to be MC, and we’ll announce the name of our special guest speaker shortly. We’ll also present our annual Young Taverners Awards, and there’ll be the usual chance to walk away with fantastic auction and raffle prizes. Our package this year includes a three course meal with pre-dinner drinks and wine at the table – and, of course, the opportunity to help with our goal of giving the young and disadvantaged a sporting chance.”  Bookings can be made by clicking here or following this link to our Sticky Tickets site:  Alternatively, call Mike Crane on 0467 719 020 with your credit card details. Dress for this event is Jacket and Tie/Ladies Equivalent.