Supporting local young athletes
18 May 2018 The sporting careers of a group of local young athletes with a disability have been given a boost by each being awarded a Lord’s Taverners ACT Scholarship. [...]
Book now for Winemakers Degustation Dinner
6 May 2018 Bookings are now open for the 2018 Lord’s Taverners ACT Winemakers Degustation Dinner. This year our feature winemaker is a local – Graeme Shaw of Shaw Vineyard [...]
Wet weather no barrier to bbq fundraiser
26 April 2018 Another successful Bunnings barbecue has been run by the Lord’s Taverners ACT, despite it taking place on the same day as one of the largest rain-storms to [...]
National raffle winners announced
11 April 2018 The draw for the 2017-18 Lord’s Taverners National Raffle has been conducted and we would like to congratulate the following winners: First prize: Mr Peter Nevell (ticket [...]